
Hi There!

This is Priyanshu Gautam currently a first year undergraduate student at IIT Kharagpur. In this section I talk you through myself telling you things that I thrive for and also things that don't bother me at all.

Acadmics and Achivements

At the first glance I was too skeptical of writing this section but then I thought why not this is my way of paying respect to my mentors who made what I am today.

Acadmics and Achivements



This was a long thought decision ,keeping chess different than hobbies and Intrests is solely driven by the fact that It means more than a hobby to me. In this section you get to know my chess journey (not illustrous but exciting).

Hobbies & Intrests

Talking about Hobbies and Intrests to be honest there aren't many all thanks to JEE but yes cycling ,reading books mostly autobiographies and playing football are my favourite past-times. I have weird taste of music I like both slow soothing and rap equally.

Hobbies and Intrests

My Future

My Future

This will be a relatively shorter section One important thing though is this page was made on 05 May 2021 (Defining the origin of the cooordinate system nothing else). I have a bucket list on my mind and still exploring for possibilities.

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